Poly V-belt pulleys

V-belt pulleys

Drive Technology - V-belt pulleys - Poly V-belt pulleys

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Roel Herink
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E. roel.herink@morskateaandrijvingen.nl
T. +3174 760 1115
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  • ISO 9982 certified
  • There is a pre-drilling that can be customized to the specific needs
  • Sufficient stock available at the factory
  • Brands: Sati

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Poly V-belt pulleys

Sati Poly V belt pulleys are manufactured to ISO 9982 standards and the material is cast iron (EN-GJL-200 UNI EN 1561. There is a pre-drilling that can be customized to the specific needs of the customer. In addition, most types have a taper lock bore.

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Do you have a question about this product, delivery time or price? I am happy to help you with this. You will receive a response from me within one working day.
Roel Herink
Sales Engineer
E. roel.herink@morskateaandrijvingen.nl
T. +3174 760 1115
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