Levelling Feet with loading cell

Levelling Feet

Levelling Feet - Levelling Feet with scale

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Roel Herink
Sales Engineer
E. roel.herink@morskateaandrijvingen.nl
T. +3174 760 1115
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  • Stainless steel footplate with a diameter of 120 mm
  • Weighing capacity up to 20.000 kg
  • 3-A certificate
  • Easy to clean
  • Brands: Martin Levelling Components

Technical information

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Martin Levelling Components

  • 3-A certified
  • High level of hygiene
  • Stainless steel footplate with a diameter of 120 mm
  • Easy to clean
  • Screw thread M12 to M36
  • Smooth surface; no dirt accumulation
  • No sharp edges
  • No exposed threads
  • Weighing capacity up to 20,000 kg

A pair of levelling feet are not the most special part of your machine. But no less important. It carries the machine and if it does go wrong, the damage can be high. It's basically your base and you want to make sure it's right. The correct machine feed is therefore essential. The products we deliver are available in many sizes and depending on the product, also in different materials. This makes it possible to offer a suitable product for each application.

Levelling feet with loading cell

Watch the extensive information film on YouTube here.

Levelling feet

We offer a wide range of adjustable or machine levelling feet. Due to our large assortment, there is almost always a product that is suitable for your applications. Adjustable feet we offer include:

In addition, you can also choose specific feet and special solutions for hygiene matters. Except that we only offer the set footwear, we also offer you all the necessary accessories in the field of adjustable feet. These can be, for example, welding plates, hinges and hand buttons.

Industries with strict hygiene standards such as:

  • Food industry
  • Beverage industry
  • Dairy industry
  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Cosmetic industry

Connect levelling feet with a machine monitoring system?

Linked to the machine monitoring system "De Beegle", developed by Morskate, the FLC3A can detect deviations at an early stage and report them. This allows early response to deviations and can prevent technical failure or worse, downtime of a machine. Would you like to know more about our machine monitoring system De Beegle? Read more here.

More than levelling feet

Due to our large assortment, there is almost always a product that is suitable for your applications. We not only supply drive components, but also all the other products needed to achieve an optimal process. In our stockpile we have, for example, various types of transport componentshydraulic componentsoil coolers and our own monitoring system the Beegle. Do you want to know more about a product or do you have a question? Our specialized sales engineers will be happy to assist you in finding the best product needed for you technical challenge. Feel free to contact us if you have questions or seek information. 

Ask an expert

Do you have a question about this product, delivery time or price? I am happy to help you with this. You will receive a response from me within one working day.
Roel Herink
Sales Engineer
E. roel.herink@morskateaandrijvingen.nl
T. +3174 760 1115
Or fill in the contact form